Stress, we all know about it because we all experience it.  It’s one of those things that is so important to know and listen to because if not controlled, it can lead to sadness and anxiety.  I have learned how to manage my stress with these 5 key destressers.

1. MEDITATE-  Meditation has really changed my life for the better.  It’s now a apart of my everyday life and has made my life and myself so much better.  If you are just starting to meditate I would recommend just relaxing and taking a couple of minutes for yourself to calm the mind.  You can do it out in nature or in your own home.  Just close your eyes and take deep full breaths and you will INSTANTLY feel better than you did before.  We are all busy and on the go go go all the time.  Let’s be kind of ourselves and give our mind and body a little peace  for just a couple of minutes a day.

2. SUNSET WATCH- This is probably one of my favorite things to do!  Nature is so amazing and when you see the sun go down, it instantly calms the mind which helps with stress.  Sunsets happen everyday so try to get outside to watch these amazing natural happenings.  It will bring a smile to your face and life. 🙂

3. WORKOUT- Getting a little sweat on is not only good for the body but also the mind.  Being active releases endorphins which naturally gives you happy vibes.  These endorphins interact with receptors in the brain and trigger a positive feeling in the body.  Who doesn’t like an instant boost of happy?!

4. DANCE- Dancing is definitely one of my favorite things to do.  Dance with your lover, dance with your BFF, or even dance by yourself.  Put on your favorite tunes and just DANCE.  I must admit, I’m guilty for being that person that dances by themselves in the mirror.  I love doing it because it’s just so fun and really does make a difference when I’m stressin.

5. GIRL TIME-  Spending time with your BFF will definitely help with stress.  Go grab some coffee or have a glass of rose.  Talk about whatever you want, eat your favorite meals and just have a good time with each other.  You will be surprised how less stressed you will feel after hanging with your bestie.


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