Yes.  We have all heard that being out in nature is good for us but there are more reasons why the beach, specifically does more good than other serene places.  The beach and ocean have specific properties that help the human body feel relaxed and happier.

I have always loved the beach and the ocean, just like most of us but there was always something that made me feel physically and spiritually better after spending time seaside.  And this is why….

SEAWATER //  Seawater strengthens the body against many viruses, low defences, bacteria and pathogens.  Also, the sound of the crashing waves has a healing affect on the mind.  It’s a form of an unconscious meditation for me; which in my opinion, we all need some beach nowadays with the negativity of the news, hectic schedules, long working hours, and the pressures of everyday life.  If you can’t get to the beach, download a ocean waves app or ocean songs on Spotify.

SEA AIR // Sea air has healthy ions that builds our body’s capacity to take in more oxygen.  All the technology we use everyday such as our laptops, phones, microwaves, etc. expose us to unhealthy free radicals which erodes our body’s natural energy.  But when we are by the beach, the air helps us feel energized and relaxed at the same time.  I love to take deep breathes throughout the day but when I do it by the beach, it just has to much more spiritual healing for me.  Which leads to better mental health.

OCEAN COLOR // The color blue is considered a calming and peaceful color which helps us feel good.  Peaceful, calm and gentle, this color has great power to manage stress.  I will always love blue.

STRESS NO MO // There’s a reason why people go to the beach to mediate, or read a book or just lay down and not do anything. The sand is healing, the sound of the ocean waves is also healing.  It’s the perfect place to destress and help with depression.  True Fact:  The beach is the only place that I can go after a long, stressful, horrible day and then feel at peace and relaxed.  It’s honestly my favorite medicine.

NATURAL SALT SCRUB // Sand from the beach is my favorite exfoliant.  Did you know it removes dead skin and also has anti-aging properties.  Skip the spa and head to the beach! Thank me later with your soft skin 😉


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