
Self Love. Self Care.  I don’t know about you but I’m all about it.  I’m all about feeling good about myself especially during the hard times.   I wanted to give you some of the things I do that help me.  Endless quotes on Pinterest and Instagram, email #SelfCare blasts and top influencer self go to’s are all great but I wanted to put a list together that can possibly help you if you are stuck or just have to give yourself a lil more lovin. 😉

And yes getting together with your girlfriends, family and or loved ones are good ways to give you a lil boost but it’s important to know how to give yourself self care on your own.  Things you can do when you are all by yourself. Just you.  Its scientifically proven that women tend to seek outside comfort when they are going thru hard times such has hanging with girlfriends and or family.  I believe knowing how to self care by your lonesome is actually one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself.  Once you master that, you can love in all situations and people that come your way.

–  Take an essential oil bath (essential oils improve mood and set a positive atmosphere)

–  Journal or start a journal if you haven’t already (Journaling is a good way to set your goals, daily intentions, and live more in gratitude)

–  Do your favorite yoga/zen/meditation class (Anything that calms your body and mind will instantly make you feel better)

–  Look up quotes! I do this every morning + night and honestly it has helped me tremendously.  Find your favorite writers and authors.  Maybe it will work for you too. <3

–  Make your bed and clean your space and THEN light your favorite candle.

–  Listen to your favorite tunes, whether it’s calming or makes you wanna dance (Dancing never put anyone in a bad mood)

–  Smile to at least one person everyday (You’ll be amazed how awesome that makes you feel)

–  Give yourself a hair, face, and hand mask.

–  Talk to God or the Universe.  Talk out loud to whoever you want to speak to or believe in.

–  Put your phone on silent and go into nature. (Hike, walk, whatever it is get outside. Breath the fresh air.)

–  Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate.  As much as I’m thinking of some pink bubbly right now I’m talking about water with lemon. 🙂 (Detoxifies and cleanses)

– Just chill.  Put on your favorite comfies and watch your favorite show or movie.  (It’s ok to be lazy once in a while)

At the end of the day. Do you.  Do what makes YOU happy.  What’s going to put a smile on YOUR face.  This world is a crazy, silly, hard yet beautiful place.  Let’s learn how to care for ourselves so we can care for the rest.

x, CP

You know that moment where you just want to quit because your body just hurts but then there is either an inner voice that tells you to keep going or you have that one motivator person telling you not to?!  For me I do need that person because I tend to think that when it hurts, it’s time to stop.  But it’s that time in your workout you need to try your hardest to keep going and that’s where change happens in the workout room and in life.  Here are my top five places that give me that little push I very much need.

I am currently now based out of Denver, Colorado and I have been trying out classes and gyms the last couple of months to truly figure out where I want to spend most of my days.  As many of you know, working out is something I love to do and is part of my everyday life.  Living in California for almost ten years, I was hooked on Equinox but that’s not available here in Denver.  YET! I hope.  So if you are ever in the Denver area and you want to get your sweat on these are my top places:

Pearl Street Fitness:  Currently hooked.  I’m usually not the biggest fan of small gyms with minimal space but this place makes it all worth it.  It’s not huge but there’s enough room to do the workouts they design perfectly.  I’ve done MANY gym classes and workouts through out my life but there is a special energy and dynamic here.  You feel like you are getting a personal training session but there is other people in the class.  You’ll instantly feel like you are getting a workout the first 5 minutes of starting class.  I don’t know about you but I love my workouts to be intense and know that I worked my ass off when it’s over.  This place does this for me.  I feel like dying through out the whole entire class but I see results happening and that’s what makes me love it so much.  Also, the trainers and people that go here are just straight up amazing people that have great energy.

F45 Training:  Not sure if you guys have heard of F45 but it’s starting to blow up all over the world.  You will sweat so much, definitely bring your own towel.  This place has the newest and greatest equipment for your workout.  Best best part of about F45 is their computer screens on the wall that show you your workout exercises and the time.  You know when you have that one trainer that makes 15 seconds last a million minutes?!  None of that here. 🙂  The trainers here are also very passionate about your safety and workout experience which makes you feel even more comfortable while you’re sweating your bum off.

Fitness In The City:  Circuit training at it’s finest here.  Great space, awesome equipment and good vibes all around.  If you like pretty big groups and working in two’s this place is for you.  The trainers are also so great at pushing you and making you complete your workout at your ultimate limit.  Since you are put in groups for each exercise and circuit you meet a lot of people here.  You leave this place with a good ole sweat and amigos.  Win/win.

Cyclebar: Get your hands up if you love to spin?!  I’m so picky about my spin classes that it’s really hard for me to stay consistent.  I believe the music needs to be on point, workout needs to be tough but it also needs to be fun all at the same time.  Cyclebar definitely will give you all three, you’ll want to go for more.  You get your cardio fix as well as an upper body workout during class.  They are opening up everywhere so make sure to make one close to your neighborhood!

In a city that is growing so fast and has endless places to workout, these are my top four.  I know I haven’t done all that is available here but I know these will be some of your top too.  So if you’re looking for a place to sweat you won’t be disappointed with these!  Get it X




Yes.  We have all heard that being out in nature is good for us but there are more reasons why the beach, specifically does more good than other serene places.  The beach and ocean have specific properties that help the human body feel relaxed and happier.

I have always loved the beach and the ocean, just like most of us but there was always something that made me feel physically and spiritually better after spending time seaside.  And this is why….

SEAWATER //  Seawater strengthens the body against many viruses, low defences, bacteria and pathogens.  Also, the sound of the crashing waves has a healing affect on the mind.  It’s a form of an unconscious meditation for me; which in my opinion, we all need some beach nowadays with the negativity of the news, hectic schedules, long working hours, and the pressures of everyday life.  If you can’t get to the beach, download a ocean waves app or ocean songs on Spotify.

SEA AIR // Sea air has healthy ions that builds our body’s capacity to take in more oxygen.  All the technology we use everyday such as our laptops, phones, microwaves, etc. expose us to unhealthy free radicals which erodes our body’s natural energy.  But when we are by the beach, the air helps us feel energized and relaxed at the same time.  I love to take deep breathes throughout the day but when I do it by the beach, it just has to much more spiritual healing for me.  Which leads to better mental health.

OCEAN COLOR // The color blue is considered a calming and peaceful color which helps us feel good.  Peaceful, calm and gentle, this color has great power to manage stress.  I will always love blue.

STRESS NO MO // There’s a reason why people go to the beach to mediate, or read a book or just lay down and not do anything. The sand is healing, the sound of the ocean waves is also healing.  It’s the perfect place to destress and help with depression.  True Fact:  The beach is the only place that I can go after a long, stressful, horrible day and then feel at peace and relaxed.  It’s honestly my favorite medicine.

NATURAL SALT SCRUB // Sand from the beach is my favorite exfoliant.  Did you know it removes dead skin and also has anti-aging properties.  Skip the spa and head to the beach! Thank me later with your soft skin 😉


Rome, what can I say?  It’s Rome!  If you are someone that has been there already or haven’t, you have heard about this lovely city.  Every single time I go I always fall more in love with it.  Not only is there endless things to do and see, but it’s charming in every sense of the word.

I decided to make a trip to Rome again for the fourth time because my friend wanted to visit.  I’ll always say yes to Rome and especially Italy.  Right after I graduated from college, I decided to move to Florence for six months to learn the language and work a bit in the industry.  It was one of the most amazing and memorable times of my life.  Italy is so amazing.  It has incredible history, art, architecture, language and food, food and food!


Since I am traveling for a couple of months, I have to be more conscious on my spending so we found a great spot on AirBNB in one of the coolest neighborhoods in Rome called Pigneto.  It’s the new up and coming hipster cool area of Rome.  It’s a great location too with easy access to the metro and bus stops.  They have great bars, restaurants, coffee shops and markets you definitely want to check out when you go visit.

For the week that we were there we did a lot of ‘touristy’ musts but we also made sure to just relax some days and solely walk the streets with no specific purpose, get lost a bit, have some gelato in a hidden street and try an apertivo or two along the way.  I always find it important when I travel to just go out and explore.  Don’t have an agenda just walk the streets, you’ll be surprised what you stumble upon. I am a huge fitness bum so when I don’t have a gym around I have to walk as much as possible and do mini workouts in the bedroom.  If you are like me, Italy is your dream place because you will do so much walking that you will double and sometimes triple your steps for the day. 🙂 Which is always good so then I can have more pizza, pasta or gelato later!

I am a total foodie and love almost everything so I can find something to eat anywhere.  When it comes to Italy, you have to eat.  Italy has it’s own unique way of life with food.  Food to them is like water to us.  It’s everything to them and you can tell they put so much love into their food because it tastes oh so good.  Eat when you are here!  You will be wonderfully surprised. Here were a couple of stand outs for me but there is so much goodness in that city I’m sure you’ll have recommendations of your own.

Favorite Place for Pizza: Pizzeria Da Remo |  Best pizza I’ve ever had.  Handmade wood fired thin pizza crust, just the right amount of cheese with incredible flavor.  Make sure to get their right when they open or close to it or plan on waiting.  Order your pizza of your liking with a glass of red.  Bravissimo in your mouth!

Favorite Vegan Spot: Flower Burger | Best vegan burger I’ve had in a long time.  I’m not a huge meat eater and eat fish occasionally but vegan spots are always my go to when it’s available.  I went here on my own and honestly was in heaven.  I had been craving a healthy burger and who knew I had come to the right place.  Their buns are also super tasty and they come in colors so they make for a great pic. My mouth still waters a little when I think about this place and my burger below. 🙂


Italy is well known for their food and apertivo stops so make sure to try as much as you can because there is nothing like Italian apertivo and food.  Just keep in mind lunch stops do close around 2 or 3 and then reopen after apertivo around 6 or 7.  Apertivo usually starts around 4 too.  See what I mean when I say Italy and food? 🙂

Favorite spot for for a Cappucciono or Apertivo: Santa Maria Bistrot | This place is gorgeous!  Not only do they have the cutest decor but their food is suppose to be great.  We only stopped in for a cappuccino but it was buenissimo to say the least!  Strike a convo with some of the ladies at the bar, they were incredibly friendly and gave us some recos too.

Favorite Spot for Fried Artichoke: Il Portico |  Do not leave Rome without trying fried artichoke, or as the Romans say it, Carciofo alla giudia.  It is honestly one of the most delicious things I have ever tasted.  Before we left Rome we wanted to visit the Jewish Quarter or Jewish Ghetto as they call it because we heard such great things about it. So on our last day we set out on a rainy day to find the best fried artichoke.  Apparently there are many places that do this best but we stopped here and were very satisfied.  The crunchiness and tastiness is all you need to leave with a smile on your face.  The Jewish Ghetto is a place to definitely put on your Rome list.  There are cute restaurants and shops everywhere and great history too.  You will find some of the best restaurants in this side of the city so come hungry.

Things to See in Rome

The Vatican/Sistine Chapel:  It’s a must.  You will be mind-blown.  It’s worth it.  Do it.


Trevi Fountain: It’s a beautiful spot for a pic.  Try to go early morning if possible because it’s gets incredibly crowded.

Pantheon:  It’s a Rome signature and so beautiful.  Take pictures from the outside and inside.  There are beautiful and yummy places to get something to eat and drink as well in front of it.  Enjoy. 🙂


Colloseum:  Nothing more breath taking than this place.  It was my second time there and the feelings were exactly the same than when I went there the first time.  I would recommend to go there during the day and at night because there are just no words.  Take your time walking around and even inside.  Take pictures and make your memories here.

Spanish Steps:  I love this spot.  It’s in one of the most beautiful areas of Rome with luxury surrounding the steps.  Great coffee and gelato shops, beautiful restaurants, designer shops, cutest of all European streets and talented performers.  Writing this makes me want to be there now!

St. Peters Basilica:  Catholic or not, we will appreciate this place like no other for it’s architecture and art.  You have, have, have to go and see this place.  The first time I saw this with my real eyes it was 11 years ago and till this day I have never seen anything like it.  You most definitely have to make this visit when in Rome.

Ponte Sant’Angelo: This bridge is the most beautiful bridge in the world. Its openness to light, and perfect distance between arches and water surface makes it different… not to mention the beautiful materials it is made of, and the history it has. Last but not least, it is the bridge that connects the Eternal City to Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.  If you are lucky, you will hear one of the best instrument playing by the most talented people on that bridge.

If you have enough time, go to Perugia for the day.  We did this and we were so stoked we did.  If you want to be up in the countryside with beautiful views, in a cute little town and chocolate shops everywhere then Perugia is your go to.  Perugia is surrounded by defensive walls with gothic inspired streets and architecture.  Expect to see some amazing churches, structures and museums while you are here.  Plan to eat and make sure to try their chocolate they are famous for.

This list are just starters and ideas for your days in Rome but there are endless things to see, do and eat here.  So much history, art, food, and architecture to take in and explore.  Italy is really easy to travel to and from with great transportation and every place you manage to travel to is picturesque.  If it’s your first trip here or your 10th, you will always love it.  It’s that special.





1.  Calm: I can’t tell you enough about this app!  It’s so amazing that I have made my family and friends download it.  I am a regular at meditating but sometimes it’s nice to find something different that will get you to that relaxing state that is needed to even start meditating.  It’s completely free and there are different sounds and listening tools for your liking.  I use it as soon as I wake up and right before I go to bed and sometimes even when I am taking a bath or shower.  I hope you love it and discover the life changing benefits of meditation with this app!

2.  Preview: I don’t know how many times I’ve uploaded a new pic on Instagram and then regretted it because it didn’t go well with the overall look or feel of my feed but it was just too late to take it off because some people actually appreciated it or liked it.  (haha)  I use this app so much now and I have fallen hard.  Right before I upload anything to IG now, I can see if it’s the right decision.  What’s also great about this app is that you can schedule posts as well so keeping up with a nice feed can be a little less stressful.

3. Lightroom CC:  I get asked all the time what kind of camera I use for my pics and I always answer iphone.  I used to just use the set up filters given but after I discovered Lightroom that’s all I use now.  It’s so easy to use and pictures end up looking like you used a professional camera.  It’s totally free as well!

Download these apps and let me know what you think!  I would love to hear.  You can find me on IG @carlaloren.  XO

Every year around December I always look back and wished I read more.   It’s not always easy when you are working 24/7 and then exhausted once you hit the bed but I’m definitely going to read more starting in 2018.  I currently just finished ‘The Art of Racing in the Rain’ and I must say it was amazing.  It is a tear jerker but you’ll love reading it.

Here below are 5 books I truly recommend to put on your reading list for the new year.  Have you read any of them?

  1. Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long Term World Travel  || Buy
  2. The Art of Racing in the Rain || Buy
  3. The Bright Hour: A Memoir of Living and Dying || Buy
  4. How Did You Get This Number || Buy
  5. Autobiography of a Yogi || Buy

Stress, we all know about it because we all experience it.  It’s one of those things that is so important to know and listen to because if not controlled, it can lead to sadness and anxiety.  I have learned how to manage my stress with these 5 key destressers.

1. MEDITATE-  Meditation has really changed my life for the better.  It’s now a apart of my everyday life and has made my life and myself so much better.  If you are just starting to meditate I would recommend just relaxing and taking a couple of minutes for yourself to calm the mind.  You can do it out in nature or in your own home.  Just close your eyes and take deep full breaths and you will INSTANTLY feel better than you did before.  We are all busy and on the go go go all the time.  Let’s be kind of ourselves and give our mind and body a little peace  for just a couple of minutes a day.

2. SUNSET WATCH- This is probably one of my favorite things to do!  Nature is so amazing and when you see the sun go down, it instantly calms the mind which helps with stress.  Sunsets happen everyday so try to get outside to watch these amazing natural happenings.  It will bring a smile to your face and life. 🙂

3. WORKOUT- Getting a little sweat on is not only good for the body but also the mind.  Being active releases endorphins which naturally gives you happy vibes.  These endorphins interact with receptors in the brain and trigger a positive feeling in the body.  Who doesn’t like an instant boost of happy?!

4. DANCE- Dancing is definitely one of my favorite things to do.  Dance with your lover, dance with your BFF, or even dance by yourself.  Put on your favorite tunes and just DANCE.  I must admit, I’m guilty for being that person that dances by themselves in the mirror.  I love doing it because it’s just so fun and really does make a difference when I’m stressin.

5. GIRL TIME-  Spending time with your BFF will definitely help with stress.  Go grab some coffee or have a glass of rose.  Talk about whatever you want, eat your favorite meals and just have a good time with each other.  You will be surprised how less stressed you will feel after hanging with your bestie.


Are you like me?  I have struggled to keep my skin in check for a long time because I have a mix complexion of oily and dry skin.  It has been difficult finding products that do the job for the long run but I can finally talk to you guys about this magic product.  It has made my skin the best it’s ever been in more than 20 years! Yup. I know!  These Triad Pads by ARCONA are the real deal.  Some days I don’t even wash my face and just use these pads and the next day my face is softer and has a pick me up glow.  Trust me.  You will love the way these pads make your face feel.  I thank these pads for helping my skin get back to normal and help control the dryness I had before.  This product will leave your face completely moisturized for the rest of the day.    I have found my ‘magic’ product and that’s why I wanted to share it with you all.  You can get them on the ARCONA website or get them at Dermstore.  Enter to be on their email newsletter and get a sale off the first order!  It’s a win win X



Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.  That is why I am a huge fan of weekend getaways and let’s face it, taking more than 4 days off consistently isn’t always the easiest for most of us.  One of my favorite places to go, relax and refresh is Casa Laguna Hotel & Spa in Laguna Beach.  I have been going there for about three years when it was more of a hidden gem but now it’s becoming more and more popular so you do have to plan ahead when visiting.

There is so much charm, character and history at this place.  The rooms are so chic and comfortable, the staff is incredibly nice and the homemade breakfast they make you is deliciously satisfying.  Laguna is filled with art galleries, surf shops and beautiful people.  This hotel is a perfect place to spend your time in Laguna.  If you want to take a break from the hotel just cross the street and you are at the beach.  You get the best of both worlds in just a couple of steps.  I can go on and on about this amazing place but until you experience it, you’ll know what I’m talking about.  X