
Tennis has always held a unique place in the world of sports, exuding a sense of elegance and sophistication that few other sports can match. From the pristine white outfits at Wimbledon to the grace of a well-executed backhand, tennis has always been chic. Recently, this allure has transcended the courts, with fashion brands that aren’t traditionally associated with the sport diving into the world of tennis apparel. As a competitive tennis player, I find this both amusing and gratifying. I always knew tennis was the chic, sexy, and best sport around—now, the world is catching on.

The Fashion Invasion

Walking through a store or scrolling online, it’s impossible to miss the tennis-inspired collections from brands you’d never expect. High-fashion houses and streetwear labels alike are incorporating tennis aesthetics into their lines. From pleated skirts and polo shirts to sleek, performance-driven activewear, the influence of tennis is unmistakable.


Why this sudden surge in tennis-inspired fashion? Perhaps it’s the sport’s association with luxury and sophistication. Or maybe it’s the timeless appeal of its clean lines and elegant designs. Whatever the reason, the result is a fusion of style and sport that is both exciting and nostalgic for those of us who have been passionate about tennis for years.

The Timeless Appeal of Tennis

As someone who has spent countless hours on the court, I can attest to the timeless charm of tennis. The sport is inherently stylish—think of the iconic looks of players like Roger Federer, Serena Williams, and Maria Sharapova. Their on-court attire has always been about more than just functionality; it’s about making a statement. Tennis fashion has always been ahead of its time. The classic white attire mandated by Wimbledon, for instance, exudes a minimalist elegance that many modern designers strive to achieve. The sport’s blend of athleticism and grace makes it the perfect muse for contemporary fashion.

A Personal Perspective

As a competitive player, seeing tennis become a fashion trend is a unique experience. It’s funny to see people wearing tennis-inspired outfits who have never picked up a racket. Yet, it’s also validating. Those of us who have lived and breathed tennis always knew it was more than just a game. It’s a lifestyle, a culture, and yes, a fashion statement. Tennis has taught me discipline, perseverance, and the importance of looking good while doing what you love. The sport has a way of making you feel powerful and elegant at the same time. Whether you’re playing a match or just wearing the clothes inspired by the game, there’s an inherent confidence that comes with tennis.

For tennis enthusiasts, this fashion trend is an opportunity to celebrate our love for the game in a new way. We can wear our passion on our sleeves—literally. For those new to tennis, it’s a gateway into understanding the sport’s culture and aesthetics.

Tennis is no longer confined to the courts; it’s making waves in the fashion world, and rightfully so. As a sport that combines style, sophistication, and athleticism, it’s the perfect fit for the fashion industry’s current direction. For those of us who have always seen tennis as the chic, sexy, and best sport around, this trend is a long-overdue recognition of the sport’s inherent elegance.

So, whether you’re a seasoned player or a fashion enthusiast discovering tennis for the first time, embrace the trend. Wear those pleated skirts, rock that polo shirt, and step into the world of tennis with style. After all, tennis has always been chic—now, the world is just catching up.

I love the simple life: I used to be on the go 24/7 and always had to be busy, always had to get done with my to-do list, I walked fast everywhere, and sometimes I wouldn’t even give myself some time for myself in the ladies room. That has all changed completely. I have found my peace and I love my alone time. I never get bored and I find myself that slowing down and taking every breath in and taking my time with tasks actually makes me more productive. Remember, there’s never too much time to get to know yourself.

I am actually a good cook: I’ve always enjoyed cooking but I was just doing it because it made me happy and was calming for me. This time at home has really made me get creative in the kitchen and not be afraid to try out different things. For those of you who know me and/or follow me on social, you do know that healthy foods are apart of my life. Getting into recipes from books, IG, or Pinterest has been my new favorite hobby. You can really make anything you love into a healthy version with some practice and lots of love.

Family, friends, and lovers are life: I’ve always been a family girl. ALWAYS. But this is the first time in 18 years that I have lived in the same state as my parents and close family. It has shown me the tremendous love and support that I have in my life. I went from seeing my parents a couple of times a year to needing to see them every other day. It’s always amazing to have support and love from the closest people because they are what makes a life well worth it. Support from family, friends, and lovers is one of kind and when you have a good support system. Anything and everything is possible. Your support system is still important.

Meditation and Spirituality are a must: I’ve always been a spiritual person and into meditation but I stopped meditating at night and some days during the week recently. I noticed myself becoming uncertain and having negative thoughts and being consumed by negativity when in the past I knew how to switch it all off. Let’s be honest here….life isn’t perfect and we all go through ups and downs, but it’s how we deal with those situations that make the difference. Once I was conscious of what was going on I religiously started to meditate deeply in the mornings and immediately my mindset changed. I turned into that girl I always have been. Faith and positivity came to play and the calming pure mindset helped me during some tough times. Meditation to me is my lifesaver. Without it, I wouldn’t see life as beautiful as it is today.

You don’t need a gym for a good workout: This definitely has been an eye-opener for me. Before quarantine, I wouldn’t last more than 20 minutes on a self workout but now I can work out for hours due to such high-quality high demand workout classes and influencers. Not only can you get creative with cardio but also get creative with weight training as well. Some examples are jump rope, peloton or bike, run, beach walks (sand is harder than you think), swimming, dancing, and YouTube HIIT workouts. Buy some free weights on Amazon or Walmart and do burnout sets. If you want heavier weights you can use furniture/kitchenware at your house for squats, lunges, and arm presses. Possibilities are endless and so much fun.

Doing nothing is OK: I’m pretty tired of the glamorizing of the hustle. Yes, I’m all about hustling and working hard but that doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know how to relax or take time for yourself. The time we spent on our overall health, including sleep, meditation, relaxation, reading books, or simply doing nothing is SO OK. These things are so important for overall stability, energy, and control over your work and personal life. I used to feel so upset with myself when I had extra time or just didn’t do anything for a couple of hours. But now, I embrace it. Balance is key. x

Follow my life adventures and all that jazz @carlaloren

Stress, we all know about it because we all experience it.  It’s one of those things that is so important to know and listen to because if not controlled, it can lead to sadness and anxiety.  I have learned how to manage my stress with these 5 key destressers.

1. MEDITATE-  Meditation has really changed my life for the better.  It’s now a apart of my everyday life and has made my life and myself so much better.  If you are just starting to meditate I would recommend just relaxing and taking a couple of minutes for yourself to calm the mind.  You can do it out in nature or in your own home.  Just close your eyes and take deep full breaths and you will INSTANTLY feel better than you did before.  We are all busy and on the go go go all the time.  Let’s be kind of ourselves and give our mind and body a little peace  for just a couple of minutes a day.

2. SUNSET WATCH- This is probably one of my favorite things to do!  Nature is so amazing and when you see the sun go down, it instantly calms the mind which helps with stress.  Sunsets happen everyday so try to get outside to watch these amazing natural happenings.  It will bring a smile to your face and life. 🙂

3. WORKOUT- Getting a little sweat on is not only good for the body but also the mind.  Being active releases endorphins which naturally gives you happy vibes.  These endorphins interact with receptors in the brain and trigger a positive feeling in the body.  Who doesn’t like an instant boost of happy?!

4. DANCE- Dancing is definitely one of my favorite things to do.  Dance with your lover, dance with your BFF, or even dance by yourself.  Put on your favorite tunes and just DANCE.  I must admit, I’m guilty for being that person that dances by themselves in the mirror.  I love doing it because it’s just so fun and really does make a difference when I’m stressin.

5. GIRL TIME-  Spending time with your BFF will definitely help with stress.  Go grab some coffee or have a glass of rose.  Talk about whatever you want, eat your favorite meals and just have a good time with each other.  You will be surprised how less stressed you will feel after hanging with your bestie.